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Piet Raemdonck

Liberating himself from academic conventions, that's what Antwerp based artist, Piet Raemdonck, seems to have achieved through the years. 
There is no doubt about his technical mastery : his hand and eye understand colour and shape, and know perfectly how to translate them to the canvas.  
Not that easy.

Nature often takes the floor in Piet Raemdonck's work.  
It's up to the spectator to travel into the canvas, zooming in and out,
looking for starting points, to interact with.

Raemdonck's subject matter varies : 
work can originate from a landscape, an arrangement of objects, an interior or a streetview.
An image is chosen and manipulated, sometimes towards total abstraction.
Piet is not even afraid to deal with painting genres as classical and edgy as the 'flowervase'.
He considers this - the seeming triviality of that choice - an invitation for the audience to look beyond.